Sunday, December 22, 2019

Media The Big Six - 1973 Words

Society today receives almost all of its information from the media. Since the media is mostly owned by just a few companies, views and ideas can be shaped by what one sees on the internet, television, and in newspapers. Because of the monopolizations from those few corporations that own what is viewed and read, it becomes fairly easy for the general public to instantly believe what is seen just because â€Å"the newsman said so.† Mass media not only has a huge and dangerous impact on the way society views politics and members of society, but also how media can affect the youth. â€Å"Media has been around in America since 1690, when the first newspaper in the United States, Publick Occurrences, Both Foreign and Domestick, was published†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦During an entire seventy-two hour period, remarks about Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, was not mentioned; although, somehow NBC found precious time to interview Michelle Obama on fashion and her fir st date with the current President of the United States† (NBC ObamaCare Coverage). It seems that NBC did not want the man associated with the bill to be seen as an inept politician in office since they have taken his side time and time again. Healthcare is an issue in this country that affects each individual in this country, so it would seem logical to report the progress of one of the most controversial and imperative laws to pass in recent memory. â€Å"Another perfect example of media avoiding the hard hitting stories and filling their broadcasting time with meaningless fluff in an effort for their favorite political figures to not look unsatisfactory in the eyes of the general public is when CNN decided to blow off coverage on the Benghazi hearings. The Benghazi attack was an awful moment for America as we lost four citizens on Libyan soil on September 11, 2012. Apparently four dead Americans, in a time where al Qaeda is allegedly not a threat to national security, is no match to the Jodi Arias trial and kidnappings in the Cleveland area. CNN covered a measly eight minutes on the Benghazi scandal, while the two more ‘newsworthy’ stories caught attention on this certain channel for over four hours during the primetime period of five to eleven PM†Show MoreRelatedIs Personal Privacy At Risk From Social Media?1624 Words   |  7 PagesIs personal privacy at risk due to social media? Since the creation of the first social media site in the late 1990s, over 2 billion people around the world use social media every day. Over the past decade personal and professional life have gradually become overwhelmed with social media, such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. What all these sites have in common is that they enable people to share, communicate, connect, and build careers while enjoying their social lives. In this world, people haveRead MoreThe Impact Of Social Media On Society And Changed The World1549 Words   |  7 Pages The use of social media has vastly impacted society and changed the world. But what is social media? 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